Men from around the world have banded together recently and made beards and facial hair a “thing”. They have become expressions of self and used to make a personal statement and help shape a dude’s style. As if those weren’t enough, Diggn’it presents 8 other reasons to grow and groom your facial hair in 2020!
- Science
Science and anecdotal evidence suggests that beards have multiple health benefits including blocking harmful UV rays, promoting hair growth, and keeping you warm!
- History, Evolution, and Culture
From Egypt to Ancient Mesopotamia, guys and beards have made a dynamic duo since time immemorial. What better way to pay homage to the elders than by growing a beard they would be proud of.
Research Studies have indicated a link between men with beards/facial hair and increased confidence levels. Indeed, it’s well known that society finds the bearded man more trustworthy, mature, and respected.
- Pop culture
Footballers, pop culture icons, even animals...are all good enough individual reasons why you need to groom your beard and live your vibe!
- Gifts
Have you seen some of the cool gifts and kits you can get by becoming a beards man?!

- Office environments
Workplaces are no longer as stuffy as they used to be. Beards have become commonplace and accepted, take advantage!
- Social Causes and Wbma
Beards have not only become an expression of self and style but also a medium to do good. Movember, Decembeard, and the others are all reasons to get involved, grow, and groom.
- Women